Hot Water 911: How to Maintain Your Water Heater’s TP Valves
How to maintain your water heater’s TP valves, you ask? What in the world is a TP valve? Simply, the TP valve on your water heater is the temperature pressure relief valve or safety valve. Okay, so maybe that is still not so simple. A TP valve is installed on water heaters to release hot water pressure should the water heater’s internal pressure or temperature rise to an unsafe level. It is very important that the TP valve on your water heater is in proper working order. There is something that you can do to make sure that your TP valve is functioning and in good condition.
Your annual maintenance of your water heater is a perfect time for you to familiarize yourself with the TP valve and to assure that it is working properly. Place a bucket below the discharge tube before starting. Next, lift the lever on the valve…doing so should cause hot water to flush through the valve and through the discharge tube into your bucket. If water does not flow freely when you have opened the TP valve, you should call a trained water heater technician to assess the problem and, if necessary, replace the valve.
Once you have assured proper flow when the valve is opened, gently lower the lever back into its closed position. If you close the lever abruptly or with too much gusto, the TP valve can be damaged…damaging the TP valve can lead to problems with complete closure of the valve, resulting in leaks and/or risk of explosion.
If you haven’t had your TP valve checked or replaced in a five year period, you will want to call your trained water heater technician to assess if your TP valve should be changed. Hot Water 911 can help you with all of your questions or problems that you may have regarding the TP valve on your water heater. Give us at call at 1-800-GO HOT WATER and we will be happy to help you with your concerns.