Hot Water 911 and Food Industry News Experience Kismet
Did you ever have one of those experiences where you just know that this experience was going to be a good thing? That there was a feeling of kismet? Well, that is what happened with us at Hot Water 911 when we first met Cary Miller, Vice President of Food Industry News. It was better than six degrees of separation…it was more like two degrees of separation!
You see, Hot Water 911 has a close relationship with so many restaurants, making sure that they have the hot water that they need to keep their doors open. Food Industry News has a close relationship with many of these same restaurants and food purveyors as well. When Cary approached us about sharing information about our services with the Food Industry News readers, we had one of those “aha” moments…and, when we were done kicking ourselves for waiting so long, we shared. I am happy to say that Hot Water 911 is proud to be seen in the February edition of the Food Industry News. You can see our offer online here on page 28.
Why is this important, you ask? I’ll tell you why!
It’s all about connections…and no,I’m not talking about piping connections… this time.
Really, isn’t that what life is about? Connections? The more people that we can connect with to tell them about what we do at Hot Water 911 and to inform them about their water heaters, the better their chances are of knowing exactly what to do in case of a water heater emergency. You know how we have certain expectations of our carand, other than routine maintenance, we don’t put much thought into our car on a day to day basis? But then, one day, you discover that your transmission is shot. This could be a time to panic, but you remember talking to a friend not long ago who extolled the praises of a great transmission guy and so you feel confident in trusting this guy because of your connection. In most service businesses, inherent in their model is a need-based structure….you call service businesses when you need them. But, if you don’t know about the service business, how are you going to know that business XYZ is the best place to call when you need that particular service? You don’t…unless you have made good and valuable connections that lead you to that business.
And that’s where the Food Industry News and Hot Water 911 have experienced kismet. Connecting with this publication creates connections that will help people when they have a water heater emergency. They will remember that they read about us in a publication that they trust. And we at Hot Water 911 won’t let them down. Water heaters are what we do and we do them well.
For all of your water heater related questions and concerns, call us at 1-800-Go Hot Water (1-800-464-6892 )