When it comes to comfort, health, and safety, there is no question about it…
Some like ithot!
Of course, we are talking about water.
In our day to day personal and professional lives, we tend to take the presence of water for granted. And we definitely take the presence ofHOTwater in our lives for granted! Until that is, we don’t have HOTwater. Until we turn on the shower and are greeted by icy cold water. Until we turn on the sinks in our restaurant and cold water pours out. Until we get to work at the dialysis center and find that we are out of hot water.
Suddenly, hot waterbecomes not only a necessity but a priority. For businesses whose existence relies on the presence of hot water, being without hot water can be devastating.
What to do?
Be prepared! Know who to contact when your water heater is not working. Have your back up plan ready. That’s where Hot Water 911 comes in. We are Chicagoland's premier water heater repair service. Water heaters are all we do. And emergencies are what we excel in. Keep our number handy for those unexpected water heater emergencies. Know that we will do everything in our power to keep you and/or your business’s hot water needs working. Here’s the number to know:
Want a sticker with Hot Water 911‘s contact information for your water heater? No problem. Call us at 1-800 GoHotWater (800-464-6892)or email us atinfo@HotWater911.comand we would be happy to send a sticker your way!
Because, after all… some like itHOT…water that is!
Hot Water 911owner, Tony Scimeca, loves what he does. He's been doing it for over 38 years with no plans on stopping. He likes to say that he comes to work to have fun.
And right now, he is as excited as a kid on his birthday. Our updated and redesigned website is up and running and SO user-friendly thanks to the brilliance of web developer Laura Caplan of Caplan Studios. If you want to request service for your water heater, you simply click here. If you want to register your water heater so that we have it your model and serial number on file, you click here. If you want to contact us, you can click here. AND, if you want to write a testimonial, you can click here!
How easy is THAT?
And, as always, if your water heater needs attention, let us know! As Tony likes to say...
"Breathe easy. Help is on the way!"
If you have water heater related questions, Tony is always up for a conversation. You can reach Tony on his cell at 815-404-7083 or email him
Your water heater emergency is our 911!
When you callHot Water 911for service for your water heater, our Dispatch Coordinator, Krista will schedule one of our AWESOME highly qualified technicians to go to your home or place of business to get you back intohotwater!
One of our dedicated and exceptional technicians that you might get to meet is Dan Wenciker. Dan has been part of the Hot Water 911team for almost a year and in that time, we hear from so many of our customers how much they like Dan.
Capable, knowledgeable and very kind, Dan listens to our customers to find out what issues they are having with their water heater and then he resolves the problem efficiently and effectively.
Dan brings smiles to our customer's faces as well as to each of us in theHot Water 911 team. We are grateful to Dan and what he brings to each of our valuable customers.
If you have questions for Dan, or you just want to say "hi", you canemail him here.
When it comes to comfort, health, and safety, there is no question about it…
Some like it hot!
Of course, we are talking about water.
HOT water!
In our day to day personal and professional lives, we tend to take the presence of water for granted. And we definitely take the presence of HOT water in our lives for granted! Until that is, we don’t have HOT water. Until we turn on the shower and are greeted by icy cold water. Until we turn on the sinks in our restaurant and cold water pours out. Until we get to work at the dialysis center and find that we are out of hot water.
Suddenly, hot water becomes not only a necessity but a priority. For businesses whose existence relies on the presence of hot water, being without hot water can be devastating.
What to do?
Be prepared! Know who to contact when your water heater is not working. Have your back up plan ready. That’s where Hot Water 911 comes in. We are Chicagoland's premier water heater repair service. Water heaters are all we do. And emergencies are what we excel in. Keep our number handy for those unexpected water heater emergencies. Know that we will do everything in our power to keep you and/or your business’s hot water needs working. Here’s the number to know:
Want a sticker with Hot Water 911‘s contact information for your water heater? No problem. Call us at
1-800 GoHotWater (800-464-6892) or email us at and we would be happy to send a sticker your way!
Because, after all… some like it HOT…water that is!
And right now, he is as excited as a kid on his birthday. Our updated and redesigned website is up and running and SO user-friendly thanks to the brilliance of web developer Laura Caplan of Caplan Studios. If you want to request service for your water heater, you simply click here. If you want to register your water heater so that we have it your model and serial number on file, you click here. If you want to contact us, you can click here. AND, if you want to write a testimonial, you can click here!
How easy is THAT?
And, as always, if your water heater needs attention, let us know! As Tony likes to say...
"Breathe easy. Help is on the way!"
If you have water heater related questions, Tony is always up for a conversation. You can reach Tony on his cell at 815-404-7083 or email him at
Your water heater emergency is our 911!
One of our dedicated and exceptional technicians that you might get to meet is Dan Wenciker. Dan has been part of the Hot Water 911 team for almost a year and in that time, we hear from so many of our customers how much they like Dan.
Capable, knowledgeable and very kind, Dan listens to our customers to find out what issues they are having with their water heater and then he resolves the problem efficiently and effectively.
Dan brings smiles to our customer's faces as well as to each of us in the Hot Water 911 team. We are grateful to Dan and what he brings to each of our valuable customers.
If you have questions for Dan, or you just want to say "hi", you can email him here.
Our mailing address is:
5723 N. Northwest Highway Chicago, IL 60646
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