FaceTime, Google HangOut, Zoom with Hot Water 911

Are you taking care of yourselves? Are you feeling scared? Are you worried about loved ones that are not near you? Do you feel alone?
There is a new “normal” being experienced in the world right now and truthfully, it feels anything BUT normal. COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down and everyday brings new information, new challenges and new uncertainties.
You’ve been getting emails and newsletters from local businesses and global industries reassuring you about how they are implementing safe and approved protocol in their day to day operations so that you don’t need to worry. But you do. Worry. A lot.
We at Hot Water 911 do too. We worry about our team members, our families, our children, our parents, our health and, we worry about YOU. No one needs additional concerns right now. And the last thing you need to think about is your water heater. Whether you are a business owner or a home owner, you just expect your water heater to work. Because it should. But, what if it doesn’t? Now you have to worry about that TOO?
Hot Water 911 is always trying to make things as easy and as uncomplicated as possible for you so that your water heater works to aid in providing hot water during this health crisis. SO, for some water heater issues, we can talk to you in real time through FaceTime, Google Hangout, Zoom, Skype or any other platform you prefer to “see” what is going on with your water heater and walk you through some steps to try to repair it, at least temporarily, until our Technicians can get out to you and you can have hot water and a safe environment.
So, if you have a water heater problem that you would like to talk to an expert about, simply email us at info@hotwater911.com, tell us your problem and include your mobile number and the method of connecting you prefer and we will FaceTime with you or Hangout with you or Zoom you or Skype you or…….
You get it. So, listen to our owner, Tony’s grandson when he says,
“Call Pa! He CAN fix ANYTHING!”