We are pleased to announce that Greg Kuby is the new Operations Manager forHot Water 911. Greg has been a dedicated team member for over 18 years. Many of you may have had the pleasure of interacting with Greg as your technician so you know just what an asset he is to our company. Greg's exceptional level of expertise along with his calm and steady demeanor make him a valuable resource to customers.
If you have questions for Greg or you just want to send some well deserved congratulations his way, you can email him atgreg@hotwater911.com.
Hot Water 911owner, Tony Scimeca, loves what he does and he's been doing it for over 38 years with no plans on stopping. He likes to say that he comes to work to have fun.
Nothing makes our fearless leader happier than a challenging water heater problem. He will not rest until each water heater issue is resolved. Keeping in touch with our certified Technicians throughout the day ensures good communication between the field, the office and the customer. Tony couldn't be more proud of theHot Water 911team and the exceptional customer service each team member provides to you. From the time the customer calls Hot Water 911until the time our Technician leaves the site, Tony wants the experience to be pleasant and positive.
If you have water heater related questions, Tony is always up for a conversation. You can reach Tony on his cell at 815-404-7083 or email him attony@hotwater911.com
Your water heater emergency is our 911!
When your water heater is working, it's the last thing on your mind. When your water heater isn't working, it is the ONLY thing on your mind.
That is why Hot Water 911 has created the largest inventory of water heater parts from all of the major manufacturers. So, if you need a part, chances are, we have what you need. Our Parts Manager Bob, knows our inventory inside out. If you have questions about a particular part, email Bob at bob@hotwater911.comand he can help you out.
We also haveGrab and Gobins for each water heater make and model so that our technicians have the parts necessary when they come to fix your water heater. No more waiting for two days for the correct part to be sent. We make sure that our technicians have all of the right parts for your water heater on their truck.
Hot Water 911 Has Some Hot News
If you have questions for Greg or you just want to send some well deserved congratulations his way, you can email him at greg@hotwater911.com.
Nothing makes our fearless leader happier than a challenging water heater problem. He will not rest until each water heater issue is resolved. Keeping in touch with our certified Technicians throughout the day ensures good communication between the field, the office and the customer. Tony couldn't be more proud of the Hot Water 911 team and the exceptional customer service each team member provides to you. From the time the customer calls Hot Water 911 until the time our Technician leaves the site, Tony wants the experience to be pleasant and positive.
If you have water heater related questions, Tony is always up for a conversation. You can reach Tony on his cell at 815-404-7083 or email him at tony@hotwater911.com
Your water heater emergency is our 911!
When your water heater is working, it's the last thing on your mind. When your water heater isn't working, it is the ONLY thing on your mind.
That is why Hot Water 911 has created the largest inventory of water heater parts from all of the major manufacturers. So, if you need a part, chances are, we have what you need. Our Parts Manager Bob, knows our inventory inside out. If you have questions about a particular part, email Bob at bob@hotwater911.com and he can help you out.
We also have Grab and Go bins for each water heater make and model so that our technicians have the parts necessary when they come to fix your water heater. No more waiting for two days for the correct part to be sent. We make sure that our technicians have all of the right parts for your water heater on their truck.
So, breathe easy. Help is on the way!
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